The Cycle

Tsunami, hurricanes, war. Aging, death, cancer in loved ones. When no image felt strong enough, the medium of tapestry itself became the metaphor for our uncertain lives. We weave our lives and work to last, yet use inherently fragile materials. Bodies and relationships. Hair, plant fiber, and color.



of my early tapestries, not woven to be cut up, represent the mundane, intimate artifacts that by chance survive calamity, in memory or in fact.



examines grief, reconstruction,
what is remembered, lost and retained,
the ghosts that remain over time.

The Cycle Continues

as embroidery stitches represent moths on each of the new tapestries.



Look on the Bright Side

expresses the stubborn hope and determined cheeriness with which recent survivors propel themsleves and one another forward, to rebuild
using the same fragile materials.

Look on the Bright Side